How To Use Your Own Emoticons In Facebook Chat
Facebook has recently enabled users of its Chat service to embed small thumbnails of people’s or pages’ profile pictures in the ongoing conversation. Just put the profile ID (a string of numbers like 55663117421) or the username (eg. of a mutual friend or a public page between double brackets, and as soon as you send off the message the code will automatically transform into a tiny picture. Try it: [[]] or [[4]] and see what you get.
It didn’t take long for creative users to realize that from now on, any image can be used as a “chat emoticon” simply by creating a Facebook Page and adding the desired image as its profile picture. Grab the page’s ID and off you go! Obviously, rage faces were among the first images to be turned into custom emoticons. Here’s an overview of currently available rage faces and the codes to use in Facebook Chat (via Reddit):
Troll face: [[171108522930776]]
ARE YOU F****NG KIDDING ME: [[143220739082110]]
Me Gusta: [[211782832186415]]
Mother of God: [[142670085793927]]
Cereal Guy: [[170815706323196]]
LOL Face: [[168456309878025]]
NO Guy: [[167359756658519]]
Yao Ming: [[218595638164996]]
Derp: [[224812970902314]]
Derpina: [[192644604154319]]
Forever Alone: [[177903015598419]]
Not Bad : [[NotBaad]]
F*** yeah : [[105387672833401]]
Challenge accepted: [[100002727365206]]
Okay face: [[100002752520227]]
Dumb b***h: [[218595638164996]]
Poker face [[129627277060203]]
Okay face [[224812970902314]]
Official rage face [[FUUUOFFICIAL]]
No [[167359756658519]]
MOG [[142670085793927]]
Feel like a sir [[168040846586189]]
Forever alone christmas. [[125038607580286]]
If you think these images are way too small, we are with you. So why don’t you copy-paste the codes below into a Facebook Chat window and behold a giant trollface:
[[331399223556184]] [[286042634779174]] [[330023780360758]] [[329237617088409]] [[204120926342364]] [[131297490319188]] [[289987304385341]]
[[295847560451136]] [[278880668827213]] [[260560750675461]] [[264494386943951]] [[208640915887167]] [[270643856326606]] [[334868623190983]] [[263173770411836]]
[[265844723474789]] [[325742447454304]] [[207587629327321]] [[294223273948603]] [[323449457679402]] [[258622847533513]] [[242014162533924]] [[158386917602797]]
[[306019522772134]] [[267712979948966]] [[301751889864065]] [[213122875437139]] [[164020277032670]] [[158735217564918]] [[261124587284685]] [[301991303173149]]
[[114261558693806]] [[113889888730617]] [[316407155046042]] [[316473595041291]] [[346326392049037]] [[284570571589911]] [[298670736837009]] [[186000198162731]]
[[219939044752270]] [[336155773063546]] [[131032267012645]] [[155856061183812]] [[208532722565686]] [[268249169896142]] [[204863289602546]] [[242397452496887]]
[[199766206779497]] [[157903644315266]] [[212393248843131]]
Here’s another code dump for a big Me Gusta rage face:
[[293955833972970]] [[293955850639635]] [[293955873972966]] [[293955920639628]] [[293956017306285]]
[[293956043972949]] [[293956060639614]] [[293956087306278]] [[293956100639610]] [[293956107306276]]
[[293956117306275]] [[293956127306274]] [[293956147306272]] [[293956220639598]] [[293956283972925]]
[[293956303972923]] [[293956327306254]] [[293956350639585]] [[293956370639583]] [[293956450639575]]
[[293956570639563]] [[293956620639558]] [[293956677306219]] [[293956710639549]] [[293956767306210]]
We’d love to see more giant emoticons like these (and not just rage faces), so please share your codes in the comments if you have or made any!
How To Hack Your Profile Picture In 30 Seconds
To say the Facebook profile hacks were well-received is quite an understatement. The initial gallery of our favorite profile makeovers has been linked by the likes of CNN ─who called it “Facebook profile art”─ and Mashable, and ten thousands of people have been busy pixel pinching with PSD files in Photoshop to achieve the Alexandre Oudin effect (just check the dozens of uploads to the Awesome Profile Hacks page). Now what if we told you you don’t need any graphics software anymore and that you can apply the Facebook profile picture hack in just a few mouse clicks?
The past week has given birth to a bunch of websites that will all resize, cut up and crop the hell out of your uploaded photos so you can ”Reface your Facebook” (not our words, but The Drum‘s) without breaking any sweat. These tools will create a 180 by 540 pixels profile pic for you, and 5 of those small 97 x 68 pixels images to add to your Photostream. Some of the sites will automatically upload the images to your profile if you allow them, while other tools require you to upload everything manually and then tag yourself beginning with the right part of the image, working your way to the left part.
But before we continue, please check out the Facebook Profile Headers application we’re soft launching today and leave us feedback if you want to help. We’re still working out the kinks, so bear with us.
Now on to our overview of the Facebook profile hack websites we found along with a brief review of each. Thanks to all of you who told us about them.
One last tip: count the number of lines in your bio ─the text bit between your name and Photostream─ without the “Add you current…” and “Edit Profile” links to get the best results.
Facebook Full Page Pic Generator
The FullPagePic website by vindimy was probably one of the first to automate the Facebook photo hack process and about 30,000 people have used the slice ‘n dice service so far. It takes your JPG, PNG or GIF image and spits out a zipfile with the separated parts. So much for the automatic part. Once you’ve uploaded and tagged the 5 photostream images and set the new profile picture, vindimy wants you to delete your bio text too because the FullPagePic service was optimized for zero-line biographies. Removing the education, work and location information might be a bridge too far for some of you.
» Go to FullPagePic.
Pic Scatter
Pic Scatter by Till Haunschild is powered by the advertising agency McCann Erickson Munich… and it shows! As soon as you’ve uploaded your image, you can zoom in and out, drag it around and tell it how many lines of bio (“info-text”) you have. This last option can help you see if it’d be better to add or remove a bio line to optimize the photo hack effect. When you’re finished, you can download the individual image files in a compressed archive ( or publish them instantly to Facebook. All you have to do is set the Profile Picture and your profile hack is complete. There’s a little “Made with” banner at the bottom of your profile picture, but hey, it’s a free app and at least it’s not a big brand advertising on your profile… yet! :)
» Go to
Another site that lets you Alexandre Oudin Yourself is MyPeex. Adopting the Facebook step-by-step layout, it guides you through the hack in a way familiar to the Facebook registration process. You can drag the uploaded picture around and change the number of lines of your biography. Oddly, you can only select 1 or 2 lines, while bios can be completely empty but also up to five lines. It also choked on our PNG and GIF uploads, but JPG went down well. MyPeex does instantly upload your pictures to Facebook, which makes it a bliss to use. Be aware that the application advertises itself through an automated status update on your behalf, which reads: “If you want make your own special profile picture… go to”. Of course you can remove this from your wall if it bothers you, but note that there is no watermark on the actual profile hack.
» Go to
Facebook Profile Picture Generator
Upload your picture to and select how many “rows of data” you have in your bio (we’re only missing an option for 0 lines here). According to the clear instructions on the site, you then have to right-click and save all 6 images to your computer, upload them to a Facebook album and get your tagging on. Your profile picture will contain a small credit at the bottom.
» Go to
This site is how it would look like if Facebook offered the hack themselves. Not that that’s ever going to happen :) You can upload your photo, select the number of lines in your bio (options for longer bios seem to be missing) and drag your image around to make it fit in the template. When you’re done, you can download all the picture files individually or as a zip file. Now all there’s left to do is upload the files and tag yourself. No watermarks or automated status updates here.
» Go to
Our final verdict: If you don’t mind the tiny advertisement at the bottom of your profile picture, we recommend using Pic Scatter for fully automated profile hacking with every tweaking option you’ll need.
How to embed Facebook videos
YouTube, DailyMotion, and nearly all other video sharing sites offer a piece of code that allows bloggers and webmasters to easily grab and embed videos on their own sites. The “Share” button underneath a Facebook video on the other hand, only enables internal sharing, like on a Facebook profile page, or in a Facebook message. So how do you pull videos uploaded to Facebook out of their original context and add them to your web page? How do you allow non-Facebook members to watch a Facebook video? We can tell you how, because we got the unofficial Facebook video embed HTML code.
While on the Facebook page of the video you want to embed, take a look at the browser address bar and look for a series of (usually 12 or 13) numbers right after v= (ignore all other numbers that might be present in the URL). This is the video id, and all you have to do is replace the x’s in the code below with this exact number.
<object width="400" height="224" >
<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" />
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />
<param name="movie" value="" />
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="224">
Now copy-paste the modified embed code to the web page of your choice and it should render as the Facebook video player.
Example URL with the video ID in bold:!/video/video.php?v=1302371039705&subj=1243344915
Michelangelo Facebook Timeline Hack
Nothing wrong with adding a bit of 16th century art to your Facebook Timeline, right? Or maybe there is…
With this pair of images, you can turn the prominent header of your new profile into the most famous section of the Sistine Chapel ceiling called “Creation of Adam“, which was of course painted by Michelangelo. Makes quite an eye-catcher, don’t you think? Thing is, displayed in the news feed, your profile picture will probably raise questions among your friends… It’s only when viewing your full profile that people will get it.
Michelangelo Timeline Hack: The Creation of Adam(download the profile picture & cover photo)
Really? That‘s your profile picture?
“Little” known fact: Adam’s manhood was captured with a single brushstroke.
If you like this, check out our retro video game hacks posted earlier today. Submit yours via our contact form or Facebook page.
6 tips to protect your Facebook privacy
Facebook has decent privacy controls, but most users don’t realize how to take full advantage of them. Ars Technica guides you through Facebook’s privacy settings so that you can be both social and respectable at the same time. Click here for their six tips on how to increase your Facebook privacy.
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